Notice dated 28th May, 2015
A meeting of the Publication Committee of ‘The Geographical Society of India’ will be held on Tuesday, the 9th June, 2015 at 5.00 p.m. in the office of the Society to consider the following agenda.
All members are requested to attend the meeting.
(Apurbarabi Ghosh)
Hony. Secretary
The Geographical Society of India
A g e n d a :
- Confirmation of the minutes of the last Publication Committee meeting.
- Review of articles.
- Miscellaneous.
Notice dated 28th May, 2015
A meeting of the Council of ‘The Geographical Society of India’ will be held on Tuesday, the 9th June, 2015 at 6.00 p.m. in the office of the Society to consider the following agenda.
All members are requested to attend the meeting.
(Apurbarabi Ghosh)
Hony. Secretary
The Geographical Society of India
A g e n d a :
- Confirmation of the minutes of the last council meeting.
- To organize training programme on “Remote Sensing and GIS……”.
- Miscellaneous.
Notice dated 20th January, 2015
The Council of THE GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA requests the pleasure of your company at the 13th Professor Shibaram Bhattacharyya Memorial Lecture scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 12th February, 2015 at 5-00 p.m. in Professor S. P. Chatterjee Memorial Hall, Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata-700 019.
Dr. Mamata Desai, Former Professor, Department of Ecology, Physical and Human Resource, Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata will deliver the memorial lecture on “Disaster Scenario in Indian Subcontinent”.
Apurbarabi Ghosh
Hony. Secretary